Lost Dimension
October 21, 2017
Harstad Kino
Harstad, Norway
When publishing “Lost Dimension” in 1984, philosopher Paul Virilio imagined a near future dominated by interactive networks, data transfers and interfaces, a world in which any notion of space as we know it, measure and perceive it, would be drastically transformed. Today, new technologies (including the Internet) give us the illusory feeling of unlimited access, with products, information and experiences being at hand reach with the lazy touch of a click. To a certain degree, not being online equals to not exist. Tangible realities and simulated environments begin to merge. Images are no longer a way of representing reality, they are constituting a reality in themselves, and the same notion of inhabiting is dissolving through an increasingly disembodied experience of the space, with our existence being permanently split between online and offline presence.
The program “Lost Dimension” brings together six internationally renowned artists to reflect on the evolution of new notions of space under the principle of simulation, and invites the audience not to look at the cinema screen as an inanimate canvas, but to inhabit it as a temporary space.
Sebastian Díaz Morales, Graeme Arnfield, Agnieszka Polska, Nicolas Rupcich, David Blandy and Larry Achiampong, Christopher Kulendran Thomas and The Mycological Twist
Sebastian Díaz Morales, The Lost Object (2016)
Graeme Arnfield, Sitting in Darkness (2015)
Agnieszka Polska, What the Sun has Seen (2017)
Nicolas Rupcich, EDF (2013)
David Blandy and Larry Achiampong, Finding Fanon 2 (2015)
Christopher Kulendran Thomas & The Mycological Twist, in collaboration with Annika Kuhlmann
60 Million Americans Can’t Be Wrong (2017)